The blog where I rant about things that should be obvious to everyone

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Self Defense While White

The man described in this video is Allen Scarsella, who was just convicted in court.  As the hostile witnesses in the video describe it, he was at a BLM protest filming it.  The protesters didn’t like him and demanded he and his friends remove their masks.  When they didn’t the crowd started punching them, and when they ran the crowd that had been violent started chasing them.  At this point, with a violent angry mob chasing them, Allen shot 5 of them and was able to get away.  

The jury’s statements make it obvious that they were not considering whether or not it is ok for a man being chased by a violent mob to fight back or not, but whether or not Allen was a racist.  And he was found guilty of shooting at the violent mob chasing him, not because they were a violent mob chasing him, but because they were black.  

This was just one of many BLM violent riots that happen in Minnesota’s Twin Cities.  And Allen made a mistake.  He bought into the narrative that this riots are happening because left is illogical and their rhetoric was causing the unintended consequence of violent riots.  And so with that being the case, he thought he could go and stand his ground and defend himself as all citizens have the right to do, and because his only enemies are the cowardly protestors that will only be violent when they think there isn’t any possibility of being hit back, he’d be fine.  What he failed to realize is that the Governor, Mayor, police chief, and local judges, prosecutors, and defense attorneys, are all on the side of the riot.  The powers that be want the rioters to do what they want, and they want innocent people to get out of the way and cower in fear.  Allen messed that up, so he had to pay.  

I’m sure that after the Berkeley riots a lot of people are thinking of doing similar things.  But if you do, know all of what and who you are up against, and recognize the full scale of the sacrifice you’ll likely be making.  If someone at Berkeley had done something similar, it’s pretty clear the outcome would have been the same.  They’d be messing with the mayor, police, judges, attorneys, and would be sent to jail for decades for the crime of not letting a mob beat and possibly kill them.

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