The blog where I rant about things that should be obvious to everyone

Monday, August 29, 2016

The Cuck Mindset

All of us use frameworks when dealing with information about the world.  It’s simply not possible to deal with every piece of information we come across in a completely open minded honest way.  We simply don’t have the mental horsepower and time for that.  So we put together a bunch of rules in our mind that allows us to filter information as being worthy of our time or not.  So for example, if you were to tell me that half of married women will at some point have a bone broken by their husbands, I’d assume you are a liar or are quoting a liar, because feminists lie all the time.  My rule of thumb is that studies that support feminist narratives are either made up or manipulated to achieve a specific result.  I didn’t always think that.  But after seeing it so many times, I don’t even bother to research such claims anymore.

A good mental framework is a very useful thing.  It helps you cut through the crap and find the truth much faster.  And as I said before, we all need one to a lesser or greater extent.  But the problem is that all frameworks are flawed.  By their nature, frameworks are abstractions which is a form of a simplification.  So all frameworks are too simple to accurately describe reality.  

To prove the point, consider a framework that is far more accurate than any political framework we will ever develop, the base 10 number system.  For those not familiar with the term, the base 10 number system refers to the fact that we only use 10 digits for our number system.  That is to say that if you have a number greater than 9, instead of making up new digits you simply use combinations of the digits you already have.  It works great because by doing this and memorizing addition and subtraction with the 10 digits you have, you can extrapolate that out to numbers of any size without any more memorization.  The problem is that the base 10 system is full of holes.  Consider the problem if 22 divided by 7.  If you calculate that out you get something close to pi.  And like pi, you’ll never finish calculating the number because the decimal goes on forever.  However, if you express the problem in base 7, it’s no problem.  In base seven 22 comes out to 31, and 7 comes out to 10.  In base 7 the number is 3.1, no infinite decimal.  So you can see that a number system that reuses digits as a means of convenience is flawed.  And given that our brains need to rely on a flawed system for something as simple and objective as division, how much more must all of our frameworks be flawed when dealing with something as complex and subjective as politics.  

This is the problem with cuckservatives.  They have a framework that they have developed in response to political situations of the past, and it’s no longer serving them.  This is the danger with political frameworks.  If you are not sensitive to them, instead of updating and revising your thinking when you get conflicting information, you just stick the new information wherever it fits best in your current framework, regardless of whether it makes any sense.  

This is what most cucks are doing.  They have their framework for evaluating politics, and the alt-right has no place in it.  So for example, in looking for what went wrong with the GWB presidency, one thing that caused it to fail was a lack of principles.  GWB was just governing by the seat of his pants, and largely making it up as he went, doing what was popular more than doing what was right.  So in the cuck mind, not having principles means chasing popularity and power.  So when they correctly see that Trump and the alt right are not principled, they put us in that box.  And because they have been burned in the past, they won’t be swayed.  So it doesn’t matter that Trump already has popularity and power, or that he regularly takes unpopular stances.  They are not going to budge.  

The problems that we face today are not the same as the problems Regan faced.  The Cold War is over, and today we are the nation that is overthrowing governments and forcing our way of life on unwilling subjects.  Our news media is the ministry of truth.  Our currency is the means by which some members of society are more equal than others.  Russia on the other hand is talking about returning to the gold standard, is promoting families and children, keeps homosexual out of jobs where they could easily abuse children, has strong rights for the unborn, and openly supports and promotes the Christian Church.  This does not matter to the cuck though, because the U.S.S.R. is evil.  

And it doesn’t end there.  The conservative framework had flaws all along, that at the start seemed small, but we can now see are fatal.  The biggest thing being that conservatives ignored culture.  The thought was always that if you pursued principled politics and economics that culture would work itself out.  But history has shown that to be wrong.  As Andrew Breitbart said, politics is downstream from culture.  

And so the cuck will continue to let their framework do their thinking for them, being either too afraid or too lazy to abandon it.

Friday, August 26, 2016

And the winner of Hillary's alt-right speech is...

Milo Yiannopoulos!

Alex Jones will get some new followers, Nigel Farage probably won't find his life changed much one way or the other.  Pepe got a shout out.  But Milo actually got Hillary to say "Would you rather your child had feminism or cancer", which was followed by all 30 audience members audibly clutching their pearls.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Men, Honor, and Competition

One of the key differences between men and women seems to be that women do not have an innate sense of honor in the way men do.  This is not to say that men are innately more virtuous, moral, or decent than women.  But simply that honor seems to be a part of them in a way that it is not with women.  To explain what I mean, I should point out that if I were to list the most dishonorable people I’ve ever met, at least the top 5 would be men.  But here is the difference.  The men I know who are such, are in general weak and lacking virtue.  They don’t have a great deal of self control, fortitude, or prudence.  And when they are caught in their dishonor, they show shame.  

Most women I know, on the other hand, have engaged in some act I found shockingly dishonorable, but did so without the slightest bit of shame.  And what’s more, they are otherwise not lacking in self control, fortitude, or prudence.  I’m sure most male readers here can think of at least one such example themselves.

So why is that?  Why is there this difference between men and women?  After thinking about it, I believe that I have at least a partial answer.  And it lies in competition.

One of the reasons men compete is to sort themselves into hierarchies.  That way, even as kids, they all know who’s the fastest, who can lift the most, etc.  Within the context of group action, this knowledge is important.  If you need someone to run fast, it’s best to know who the fastest runner is.  And of course this scales to normal adult activity as well, i.e. it’s important to know who the best guy is on a construction crew at putting up sheet rock, and who is the best database designer at a software development company, etc.  

This relates to the subject of honor because part of honor is finding your place in the hierarchy correctly.  To either cheat or purposely underperform is dishonorable.  And that is because doing so robs the world of accurate information, and thus makes the world a worse place.  So if you win a race by putting glue on the starting blocks of the other racers, you’ll get the accolades of being the best, but if the world actually needs the best runner for something they’ll wrongly think it’s you, when they could do better.  

So dishonor is to make the world a worse place in order to secure a better place in it.  

And this all comes back to women, because they don’t particularly seem to compete and sort themselves into hierarchies the way men do.  They may simulate the way men compete, but you only have to watch any WNBA highlight reel to see that they aren’t REALLY trying.  They simply are not built for fighting and building.  So when it comes to honor, at least the part of it that is tied up in competition, it’s simply not something that applies.

Monday, August 15, 2016

The logical case against equality

In addition to the cult of equality being anti Biblical and anti beauty, it’s also anti reason.  The idea that if we could make it so that there were no disparities between the different people groups we’d have equality is simply wrong.  To prove this, consider an impossible hypothetical.  Let’s say that we structured society so that every single person was a famous doctor.  Nevermind that such a society would shortly die of starvation, or the fact that not everyone can be famous.  At first glance, it may seem that in this hypothetical equality may have been achieved.  But then you have to consider that not everyone equally wants to be a famous doctor.  Some people may find the weight of having a life in their hands to be completely unbearable, whereas others are so fulfilled that they would gladly do the work for free.  Could you call both groups equal?  Hardly.

So you can see that to have true equality, you cannot force people into a particular box.  Each person must be allowed to pursue what is valuable to them personally, in order for equality to be possible.  But the problems don’t end there.  Not every person's personal sense of value is equal.  For example, say you have one man whose life’s work and sense of fulfillment comes from leaving a legacy to his children, and another whose life’s work and sense of fulfillment comes from driving a bus.  The first man must work his whole life in order to realize his life's work.  The other has to wait till he’s 18, and then must take a fairly easy test.  Can these men be said to be equal?  Is there any way to make them equal?  And that’s not even factoring in men with self contradictory desires, such as leading a quiet life and being rich and famous.  

So you can see that equality is simply not possible with a significantly varied population.  And in the first case, where everyone is superficially the same, it’s not even desirable.  It’s a twilight zone kind of hell.

Monday, August 8, 2016

The aesthetic case against equality

I’m sure some people thought my last post went too far in calling equality a doctrine of demons.  For the sake of argument, let’s say I’m wrong.  Then why is it that the art, videos, and events produced by various groups pushing for it constantly portray things that are demeaning, degrading, and corrupting?  And they don’t simply portray things things, but delight in them and celebrate them.  It’s not effective propaganda.  It never has been.  There’s no reason to think it would be.  So why?  If you can think of a better case than it’s Satan signing his work, I’m all ears.  

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, here’s some examples.

By way of contrast, look at the appeals to beauty and virtue that comes out of white nationalist propaganda.

Monday, August 1, 2016

New Paganism

A very large theme throughout the Bible is to avoid doing as the pagans do.
  • Do not worship the LORD your God in the way these pagan peoples worship their gods.
  • The LORD says, "Do not start following pagan religious practices. Do not be in awe of signs that occur in the sky even though the nations hold them in awe.”
When I think of pagans, I tend to think of images of blue bottomed natives chanting and having seizure while trying to summon some demon, or something like that. But while some of that does exist today, it seems to be a small minority of society that is mostly composed of socio-sexual losers. Yes, some of them are very rich and powerful. But that doesn't change their rank. Just look at Jeb Bush.

But that is the old style of paganism. The western world has matured past that. So while their may be some weird sections of society that go back to it, it simply won't be wide spread, any more than we could go back to using alphabets that have thousands of characters, or forget about how to produce more goods through use of assembly lines.

The new paganism is different. It's not about worshiping some polytheistic pantheon. It's about trying to create new moral orders. What I mean by moral order is the intrinsic sense of right and wrong that all men have, that if followed amazingly results in society doing well, and if not results in society collapsing. I say it's amazing because it causes even simple men to act beneficially, when finding the right thing to do by using game theory, economics and politics would be beyond even the most intelligent of men. For example, consider the 2008 housing crisis. After reading Mises, Heyak, Friedman, and a bunch of Vox Day, I've learn about the business cycle, credit bubbles, and things like that. And after learning that, I understand why the whole thing happened. But what's interesting is that for that whole crisis to have been avoided wouldn't have required that all parties involved know all that economic theory. It also could have been avoided if they had simply acted morally. Greedy home buyers shouldn't have made agreements with the bank that they didn't have the capability to keep, and greedy bankers shouldn't have given out oppressive loans to people they knew couldn't afford it.

So this is what I mean by moral order. A simple understanding of right and wrong that results in societal well being if followed. When I say simply, I mean simple like language is simple. On the one hand, language is intensely complex as anyone who's tried to program a A.I. that takes voice commands will tell you. But on the other hand children can speak and understand speech just fine. Even very low I.Q. children.

As Christians, we understand that the moral order is something that exists outside of ourselves, and was created by God. We can't change it, any more than we can change math. But this is precisely what the new pagans seek to do.

While many different pagan moral orders have become prevalent, none is more so than the Marxist idea that equality is a moral mandate. Especially in the Christian Church. Which is odd given that the Bible teaches the exact opposite. Jesus spoke of the parable talents, in which God gives one man one talent, another five, and another ten. While you may think that is based on faith or merit, the Bible also talks about children being given different lots based on their parents.
  • A good person leaves an inheritance for their children's children, but a sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous.
  • No Ammonite or Moabite or any of their descendants may enter the assembly of the LORD, not even in the tenth generation.
  • Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.
  • Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use? What if God, although choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath—prepared for destruction? What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory.
The only place the Bible teaches equality is in the most broad of terms. All have fallen short of the glory of God. Any man who breaks any part of the law breaks the whole thing. And in Christ Jesus there is neither slave nor free, nor jew, nor gentile, nor man, nor woman. All are equal in being allowed to claim salvation. But, that is like saying, either you tell the truth, or you are a liar. That's not to say that some liars are not worse than others. The Bible reflects this as well when Jesus speaks of greater damnation, and of the hierarchy that will be in place in heaven. Jesus says that the last will be first and the first will be last, which of course would be a lie if everyone in heaven was equal.

The fruits of equality are everywhere. We can see it in the killing fields of Cambodia, and in the Gulags of Russia. We can see it in the BLM protests where police where attacked with IEDs. We can see it in the divorced families and children born out of wedlock from trying to force men and women to be equality promiscuous, and equally able to abuse each other.

As Christians we are to seek truth first, as it is personified in Jesus. And as such we should simply seek to understand men, women, and race for what they are, and not try and shoe horn them into the demonic framework of equality, which is neither possible nor desirable. Unfortunately much of the church has abandoned God's moral order, and instead is spreading paganism. And because of this, God is abandoning the church to a fate of irrelevance.

Israel failed in it's task to prepare the world for Christ. They obeyed God for a time, but after a while they began to behave worse than the pagans. But just because they were the chosen nation didn't mean that God needed them. So because they, with their divine revelation failed, God swept them aside and used the Greeks and Romans, with their common revelation, to prepare the world for Christ. And it seems that pattern is repeating today with the American Christian Church and the alt-right. 

Reviving the blog

A number of writers that I greatly admire say that they write because they have to. They have something inside of them that they simply have to get out, and won't feel right unless they do. Unfortunately I'm not like that. Writing for me is a chore. Like doing dishes or washing clothes. So when I hit a point where everything I had to say was simply a regurgitation of what other bloggers were saying and saying better than I ever could anyway, I stopped feeling the need to write.

I'm reviving the blog for a few reasons. First is that I've passed through a phase of being a student, and have started to have some original thoughts again. Second, is that I've come to the realization that even if I'm doing nothing but regurgitating, different people will respond to different wave lengths, so my regurgitated writing will most likely be useful to someone, even if I wouldn't personally find it that great. And lastly is that I just this morning felt God ask me to start writing again. And when the creator of the universe asks you to do something, it's a good idea to do that thing, even if it feels like a chore.