The blog where I rant about things that should be obvious to everyone

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Don't be a cuck, stand with Milo

One thing that has become increasingly clear in the past few years is that to be an effective leader in the culture wars, simply having the correct ideas is not enough.  In addition to having the correct ideas, being smart, and being a thought leader, it is necessary to entertain.  And while being entertaining will get you somewhere, even that’s limited.  You also need the type of personality that seeks out conflict.  And you have to be able to out maneuver the media.  

This is why Milo is so brilliant.  There are some people who think that he’s gotten to where he is simply because he’s a gay conservative, but they are wrong.  With his verbal skills, combined with his humor, and his ability to outright troll the media, he would be a star no matter what.  But when you throw on top that the typical leftist dismissal tactic of calling anyone they disagree with a Nazi is simply absurd when applied to a gay jew, and you have a super star.  

So in Milo you have an individual who is conservative, funny, embraces rather than avoids conflict, can troll the media, AND can’t reasonably be called a Nazi because he is a gay jew.  It’s not a shock that he has been effective in changing our culture.  And make no mistake, he has been effective.  His appearances on TV, college tours, and writings on gamergate, have all done tremendous work in getting the word out on how crazy SJWs are.  A lot of other people are currently riding this cultural wave, but Milo is one of the very few people who can claim to have had a hand in creating it.  

Since I’ve been aware of Milo, who came to my attention during gamergate, he’s been taking scalps.  He helped destroy that particular SJW movement, he’s made it ok to show conservatism on college campuses again, and he’s help get Trump elected.  

This is why the left has orchestrated a media hit job on him.  The twisted sub-humans in the media, after finding that Nazi didn’t work switched to pedophile.  These are the same scum that were trying to normalize it just a few months ago.  Lena Dunham, who openly sexually molested her sister while her sister was a toddler, is celebrated.  Salon put up an article about how pedophilia is just another sexual orientation (which is taken down just yesterday).  They don’t care about keeping children safe from sexual predators (quite the opposite), they care about hitting an effective conservative with a smear that will stick in the christian conservative community.  That’s it.  And if you go along with the people who clearly have an agenda of degrading children, all the while thinking you’re fighting against pedophilia, well that would make you a cuck.  Don't be a cuck. Stand with Milo.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Stop calling the left hypocrites

When I was playing basketball in high school, my coaches repeatedly beat into my head that I needed to take a pump fake when getting the ball passed to me in the post.  As is I was just turning and shooting a contested shot that would either miss or get blocked.  But eventually my coach’s instructions started working, and I began to robotically pump fake every time I got the ball.  Most of the time that worked great because my defender was pressed against my shoulder, and as soon as they jumped I could draw an offensive foul and or shoot over them.  But sometimes the defender wasn’t set when I got the ball, and a pump fake just gave them time to recover.  I had to learn that the point of any sort of ball fake, whether it’s a pump fake, pretending to pass to an empty spot on the court behind the defender, or looking at an empty space on the court like there is someone there, the point is to get a defender who is playing good defense be tricked into playing bad defense.  

When liberals cry racism, all they are doing is robotically throwing a pump fake.  Ending racism is not their goal, and never has been.  It’s just empty space they want you to defend.  They’ve learned to do it because it works.  They say that we can’t have voter id laws because they are racist.  Conservatives then respond that black people know how to get photo ids, and thinking they can’t makes Democrats the real racists.  And while the liberal media has everyone pretending that racism an issue massive voter fraud takes place.  

And the truth in this case is that calling democrats the real racists is wrong anyway.  They don’t believe that black people can’t get photo ids either.  They just want unrestricted voter fraud.  

So while there are exceptions where calling democrats out on their bigotry and hatred is good rhetoric, for the most part saying things like “Democrats are the real racists” is just biting on a pump fake.  

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Self Defense While White

The man described in this video is Allen Scarsella, who was just convicted in court.  As the hostile witnesses in the video describe it, he was at a BLM protest filming it.  The protesters didn’t like him and demanded he and his friends remove their masks.  When they didn’t the crowd started punching them, and when they ran the crowd that had been violent started chasing them.  At this point, with a violent angry mob chasing them, Allen shot 5 of them and was able to get away.  

The jury’s statements make it obvious that they were not considering whether or not it is ok for a man being chased by a violent mob to fight back or not, but whether or not Allen was a racist.  And he was found guilty of shooting at the violent mob chasing him, not because they were a violent mob chasing him, but because they were black.  

This was just one of many BLM violent riots that happen in Minnesota’s Twin Cities.  And Allen made a mistake.  He bought into the narrative that this riots are happening because left is illogical and their rhetoric was causing the unintended consequence of violent riots.  And so with that being the case, he thought he could go and stand his ground and defend himself as all citizens have the right to do, and because his only enemies are the cowardly protestors that will only be violent when they think there isn’t any possibility of being hit back, he’d be fine.  What he failed to realize is that the Governor, Mayor, police chief, and local judges, prosecutors, and defense attorneys, are all on the side of the riot.  The powers that be want the rioters to do what they want, and they want innocent people to get out of the way and cower in fear.  Allen messed that up, so he had to pay.  

I’m sure that after the Berkeley riots a lot of people are thinking of doing similar things.  But if you do, know all of what and who you are up against, and recognize the full scale of the sacrifice you’ll likely be making.  If someone at Berkeley had done something similar, it’s pretty clear the outcome would have been the same.  They’d be messing with the mayor, police, judges, attorneys, and would be sent to jail for decades for the crime of not letting a mob beat and possibly kill them.