The blog where I rant about things that should be obvious to everyone

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A manosphere myth

There as a meme in the manosphere about women in the workforce, that based on personal observation, I believe to be wrong. That is the meme that women entering the workforce has, or was intended to reduce the cost of labor. If that was the intent, than the elites who pushed for it have done a remarkably bad job, as the cost of labor in the U.S.A. has not exactly gone down sense the 1920's. When you take in all the factors such as minimum wage, unions, and regulations, it's costing employers more and more to have employees. 

But besides the fact that the cost of labor has not gone down with women in the workforce, if you look at what kind of work women go into you'll see that with a few exceptions, when it comes to actual labor the supply of potential employees does not go up. Jobs like construction, welding, concrete cutting, mining, smelting, or any number of similar blue collar professions, are predominantly done by men.

If you look at the kinds of jobs that women are taking, barring medicine and education, you'll notice that they are almost all in regulatory roles. They work in the DMV, human resource departments, and in law. So the entrance of women into the workforce has not brought down the cost of labor, it has brought down the cost of regulation.


  1. But women do go into blue-collar jobs, such as factory work, which must be taken into consideration. I've worked in many factories, alongside many women.

  2. In my experience there is generally only one or two if any. And as I did say at the start of the post this is not based on any hard statistical data, just my own observations, and what I hear from others in those sectors.

  3. I guess we've had different experiences.

  4. Brought down the cost of regulation? Then why do all government fees keep going up - license renewal for example.

  5. By bringing down the cost of regulation, I'm talking about the cost needed to regulate something. In order to even have driving licenses in the way that we do, it is necessary to have local offices in every city that are staffed with people who will process forms, conduct tests, and whatever else DMV employees do. To do all regulating, the DMV has to pay employees. And I don't know about you, but every DMV I've been in has been staffed by mostly, if not all, women.
